Beach Food Pantry
Providing Hope for the Hungry
We staff the Food Pantry one week each month. Do you have two hours to volunteer? Please see the sign-up sheet in the Sunday school lobby if you can help or email
Room at the Inn
Kitty Hawk UMC is one of many congregations to open their facilities to provide shelter and food for homeless people during the winter months. Each church hosts the homeless for a week. Each site offers a warm, safe place to sleep, serves three meals (dinner, breakfast and bag lunch). The program is a unique way for people of faith to become directly involved with people who are homeless. The simple goal is to keep homeless people from freezing during the cold, winter months. A greater goal is to provide a more personal relationship to homeless people, and a deeper understanding of the depth and complexity of the issue, and show them God’s Love.
Food for Thought
Through partnerships with local schools, businesses and other community groups, the Kids Pack program provides homeless and very low-income school children with backpacks filled with nutritious foods each weekend, when school meals are not available. The goal of the Kids Pack program is to ensure that food-insecure and hungry children have food during the weekends so they are able to engage in school and succeed! Volunteers are needed to help pack the back packs for Food for Thought.