Sunday School
Seekers Class
We meet in the Seekers Classroom next to the Fellowship Hall. Our class is made up of couples and singles of all ages. We always have a time for Joys and Concerns, which are raised to God and shared with classmates electronically. We have fun, study, pray, laugh, cry and praise God together. All are welcome!
We meet in the Open Door Classroom next to the Kitchen. We learn about various topics that interest the class, sometimes focusing on the Upper Room devotional and sometimes doing topical studies. We'd love to have you join us! This class meets at 10:30am on Sunday morning.
Bible Studies
Bible studies will resume in the fall. Check back to see what studies will be available.​
Small Groups
Cornerstone small group led by Ed Kitchen and meets in Southern Shores-Mondays at 7pm.
Colington small group led by Fischers/Davis Mondays at 6:30pm
Breathe small group led by Emily Dobie every other Tuesday at 10am
A small group led by Karen Bacon meets at the Church Mondays at 10am.
For information on how to join a group please contact Pastor Colin
Women’s Ministry Fellowship
We meet monthly but more importantly we are women who are servants of the Lord and actively serve Him with gladness.
Over 30 women are involved in the two circles, and many more women are involved in the various service projects. We continue to support a young girl in the Ryan Epps Home for Children in Haiti, providing funds for her care and education in the school located in the home.
Our ministry activities include an annual Women’s Retreat and multiple scholarship fund-raisers to help give scholarships so that any woman who desires to attend the retreat may do so.
United Methodist Men
We meet on the second Saturday of every month at 8:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Recently reestablished, we are 28 men and growing. All men of the Church are welcome!
We share our faith, enjoy fellowship, have a monthly devotion or brief program, support local and other missions, cook meals for church events, and provide help to the Church and its members in a number of ways.
Prayer Ministry
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Our Prayer ministry includes intercessors that pray in our prayer room daily and intercessors that pray from home. Our Prayer Room is open daily for anyone that would like to use it for prayer.
To submit a prayer request, email If you do choose to email your request please give the person's name, prayer concern and if it is confidential, and also person who is making the request. Prayers go up and blessings come down.
KHUMC Prayer Shawl Ministry
KHUMC Prayer Shawl Ministry’s is a part of our Intercessory Prayer Ministry. The mission of the shawl ministry is to bring comfort to those that are in need of a reminder of God’s warming love. The person who makes the shawl prays for the person that will receive it. The prayer is for God to wrap his warm love around the person and bring them healing, strength and peace. The person that receives the shawl is told to remember that when the shawl rests on their body they are covered with prayers. The shawl is a reminder that they are never alone! God’s love surrounds them and Jesus, our comforter carries them when they are at their weakest.
KHUMC Prayer Squares
Kitty Hawk UMC Prayer Squares are a part of our Intercessory Prayer Ministry. They are located in the prayer room by the JOY board. Each stitch represents a prayer for the person receiving the square from our Intercessors. Feel free to stop by and take one for anyone you feel needs prayer.